Rick Grove has lectured at the following judicial training courses held under the auspices of P.R.I.M.E. Finance, the International Bar Association and/or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development:
• Judges in the Bahamas, Jamaica and Turks and Caicos with the support of the Bahamas Bar Association and the Bahamas Financial Services Board (August 2021).
• Shanghai Financial Court judges organized by China Financial Futures Exchange and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (December 2019).
• Taiwanese judges at the Judges Academy in Taipei (December 2017 and October 2019.
• Judicial Roundtable at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law (December 2018).
• Hong Kong District Court, High Court and Court of Final Appeal judges at the Hong Kong High Court (June 2018).
• Judges of the Australian Federal Courts in Sydney and Melbourne and judges of the Supreme Courts of the states of New South Wales and Victoria in Australia (October 2017).
• Romanian judges at Institutul National al Magistraturii in Bucharest (September 2016).
• Chilean judges at Instituto de Estudios Judiciales in Santiago (March 2016).
• Supreme Court justices of Singapore (May 2014).
• Supreme and Chancery Court judges of Delaware (October 2013).