Rick Grove was interviewed for podcast on “Virtual hearings – an expert witness perspective”
Posted on 02/26/2021Download PDFIn December 2020, Rick Grove was interviewed by Allen & Overy partner Jane Jiang for a podcast regarding “Virtual hearings – an expert witness perspective’. A recording of the session can be found in the PDF.
Rick Grove moderated “Disruption: Living in a High Risk World”, session one of P.R.I.M.E. Finance’s first Asia Conference
Posted on 12/15/2020Download PDFRutter Associates was one of the sponsors of P.R.I.M.E. Finance’s first Asia Conference, held in December 2020. Rick Grove led the committee that organized the conference and moderated Session 1. Recordings for Sessions 1, 2, and 3 can be found on the P.R.I.M.E. Finance website (https://primefinancedisputes.org/page/primetime-recordings) and in the PDF file.
Rick Grove participated in a panel of P.R.I.M.E. Finance experts in the third of a series of PRIMEtime Virtual Events entitled “ADR in a Pandemic”
Posted on 10/27/2020Download PDFMarket volatility prompted by the pandemic has led to the collapse of several financial institutions. On October 27, 2020, Rick Grove and his co-panelist, The Hon. James Peck, discussed how an ad hoc ADR mechanism was developed to successfully – and quickly – resolve claims between a hedge fund and a number of the fund’s bank creditors. Stanford Professor of Finance Darrell Duffie provided introductory remarks. Rutter Associates was proud to sponsor this event and all of Series Two of P.R.I.M.E. Finance’s PRIMEtime Virtual Events. Links to the recording of this and all PRIMEtime events and information about the other events in Series Two can be found in the PDF file.
Rick Grove presented “Derivatives Markets: Some History and a Look into the Future”
Posted on 10/21/2020Download PDFOn October 21, 2020, Rick Grove presented “Derivatives Markets: Some History and a Look into the Future”, sponsored by the Julius-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance and the Bendheim Center for Finance, both at Princeton University. A recording of the session can be found in the PDF file.
Rick Grove moderated a panel of P.R.I.M.E. Finance experts in the first of a series of PRIMEtime Virtual Events entitled “Dispute Resolution in a Pandemic”
Posted on 06/30/2020Download PDFOn June 24, 2020, Rick Grove moderated a panel of P.R.I.M.E. Finance experts in the first of a series of PRIMEtime Virtual Events entitled ‘Dispute Resolution in a Pandemic’. A recording of the session can be found in the PDF file.